Saturday, October 1, 2011

Teenage Interaction in Pop Culture

  In viewing the video of Justin Bieber's "Baby", he demonstrates the art of competition between the girls and boys for a love he doesn’t wish to lose. From the moment they inter the bowling alley, they proceed to see who can bowl better to who is the better dancer, the boys or girls. This shows an interaction between everyone in this video. Another thing was seeing a rap star “Ludicrous” in this video, WOW! It show’s not only an interaction between different nationalities but presents a positive side to cultures getting along.
Interactions between teenagers in bowling alleys are still considered traditional today in the 21st century and they still contend to see who the better gender is. The boys against the girls! It’s also a place to hang out and enjoy each other’s company. Many teens considered it a safer place to interact with each other compared to parking lots and clubs. Just like in the video, the setting takes place in the bowling alley, where the environment is safe and free of danger but allows them to have fun, interact, bowl and dance.

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